MGR.Guard extensibility
All checks are built as extension method of the MGR.Guard.Guardian
To be constistent with built-in methods, I recommand to have the following signature: void YourMathod(this Guardian source, TypeOfValue value, string parameterName, <optional additional values>)
You can also provide an overload with an expression and use the explicitly implemented (by the Guardian
instance) IGuardian.ExtractValueAndParameterNameFromExpression
. This method will extract the value and the parameter name from the expression.
As an example, the method to check for non nullability is implemented as:
public static void IsNotNull<T>(this Guardian source, Expression<Func<T>> expression)
var (value, parameterName) = ((IGuardian)source).ExtractValueAndParameterNameFromExpression(expression);
IsNotNull(source, value, parameterName);
public static void IsNotNull(this Guardian source, object value, string parameterName)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(parameterName, essages.IsNotNullMessage);